Active teenage girls need compelling messages about food and nutrition … if we don’t, social media will.
A beginner’s guide to macros and what eating healthy is / isn’t. Spoiler alert, carbs are good …
Loughborough Lightning's Lydia on nutrition and how to fuel like an athlete.
Knowledge = power? Almost. Re active women and food, the right knowledge + priorities + vigilance = power.
Sarwat usually stops exercise for Ramadan but this coming year she'll take a different approach.
If you’re into your training you’ll read a lot about ‘macros’, but what about micros?
Some women need to for health reasons and doing so is about much more than diet …
Once written off as a fancy term for fatigue, RED-S is so, so much worse than that.
Are you getting enough water? Read this then answer again - turns out water’s pretty important …
Academy coach Sheonah Forbes on having "lightbulb moments" and a holistic approach.
Want to control your weight? There’s safe and solid ways to do so, and ways that aren’t so much …
It's a 'no' from us and the evidence too ... it may just make you fatter.
A staple if you're preparing for a big event and it works a treat ... unless you're female.
Baz and menopause specialist Dr Mandy Leonhardt discuss good nutrition in midlife.